The Last Seven Commandments: Love of Neighbor

How can the commandments help you to love God? your neighbor? yourself?
The commandments help me to love by providing specific examples of what love is. Say love God, love your neighbor is a rather abstract statement. What does that mean? How do I do that? The commandments give specific examples of how I can put this into practice in my daily life.

If I love God, I will not put other things ahead of God. I will give God the most important place in my life. If I love God, I won't dishonor His name bu using it inappropriately. If I love God I will want to set aside time to worship and rest in His presence.

If I love my neighbor, I will honr my family and other people God has plaved in authority. If I love my neighbor, I will respect their lives, both their physical life and things such as their reputation. If I love my neighbor, I will try to live a purt life so I don't cause others to stumble. If I love my neighbor, I will respect their right to have things and I won't take them or wish harm on them.

If I love myself, I will respect my own body. I will be thankful for the gifts God has given me. If I love myself, I will remember that in doing harm to others, I am also doing harm to myself.

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