Welcome Home!

I've seen this link at a couple of blogs recently. It is from a guy in Georgia who has a talk radio show and was the pastor of one of the largest United Methodist Churches in the world. But now he is coming home to the Catholic Church! Celebrating Anyone coming home is exciting, but this is even more exciting since I used to be Methodist!

And on a related note, yesterday began the octave of prayer for Christian Unity. Here is the prayer I'm praying:

Jesus Christ, our Lord and our brother,
you have called us to be your one Church.
Make us one in our faith and hope,
and one in our loving service.
Make us one in worship and in daily living.

Lord Jesus,
send your Spirit to make us one
as you want us to be.

We ask this, Jesus,
for you are our Lord and our saviour for ever.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi, Karen! I don't know if you'll remember me. I used to babysit you when you were 6-8 years old. I happened to see your comment at "Et Tu?" and noticed you were from Oklahoma and then thought, "How many Karen Elissas can there be?" so I clicked over to see if you were you! :-) It's good to see you all grown up and so happy with your newfound faith. I'm glad too that you are working with kids. I'm in my 5th year as a Girl Scout leader, and it is so much fun! I also have my own little boy who is 3.