About Me

I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself while I'm at it. I'm 23 years old and I live in Tucson, AZ. I graduated from college about a year ago so I'm now part of the "real world." I work at a day care/school, I think my official title is "School-age teacher," but I work with pretty much all the ages, from 2 years old to elementary. I go to a United Methodist Church here and I think it is one of the most AMAZING churches, with only a little bias! I also teach at 4th and 5th grade Sunday School class there. I love reading, kids, traveling, missions, and anything in Spanish.

I suppose while I'm at it, I will tell you a little bit of my history. I grew up with my mom, dad, and younger sister in NE Oklahoma. When I was almost 15 I became a Christian threw the witness of one of my best friends in high school. My family was very opposed to it at the time although they have slowly become used to the idea. I went to a small college in south central Kansas and LOVED it. I grew so much while I was there, in my faith and in my personality and just in life. I also had some amazing opportunities to travel. I went to Jamaica, Dallas, Mexico, Ecuador, Nashville, and Chicago and have wonderful memories from all those trips. I also have some amazing friends from my time there who I miss a lot!

Like I said, I graduated from college last May and in September I landed my first "real job" as a houseparent down here in Tucson. So I moved in about a week and set up my life here. It was going pretty well, but then in March I changed positions and had to find an apartment quickly so I did that. Then I was fired, after being accused of things I would NEVER do, so that was yet another change. And then I found the job that I'm at, and I love it. Also in the middle of all of these changes, my dad got remarried to a women he knew for about 3 months, so now I have a stepmom and two stepbrothers, not that I have met any of them. I would also add that I'm so thankful for the support of my church here as they have really just loved me and encouraged me through all of these changes.

So that is the short version of my life story and now you know a little bit about me.

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