Point on the Line

I'm reading "A New Kind of Christian" by Brian McLaren again. Tonight one of the things that it was talking about was how we tend to put our ideas on this line and then try to find the "perfect" place on the line. Like a line with conservative at one end and liberal at the other, and then we look for the perfect point along this line. And we do this with nearly every topic. So Neo (one of the characters) was explaining all of this and then said that what we need isn't to find the point on the line, but we need another point, totally removed from the line, above the line.

In theory, I would tend to agree with this. We spend so much time arguing back and forth and trying to find this balance when really we have totally lost sight of the important part of the issue. The problem is that I'm not sure that this will work out in real life. It seems that as soon as we find this point off of the line, someone else will come along and draw another line and the arguing will start all over again. It just seems to be human nature to group people and then when we do that, we want to argue about whose group is "right.

1 comment:

John said...

Yes, there is a great limitation to fitting all thinking into a 2-way spectrum (e.g. liberal and conservative). It is an ineffective model for many points of view.

I just finished reading A New Kind of Christian last night, and am working on a lengthy blog post on the subject.