An older "postmodern"

My new kick in books are Madeleine L'engle's books. They are amazing!!! My dad read me A Wrinkle in Time when I was little and I have read it a couple of times since, but I'm reading the rest of the books in the Time Quartet and they are even better than the first one! So in reading these, I was also reading some stuff online about Madeleine L'engle and she is a facinating women in herself. It is interesting because she is now 88 years old, but many of her ideas sound VERY postmodern, something generally associated with the younger generations. Here are a couple of quotes from some various interviews that I found interesting.


So when you call the Bible a book of stories, you’re not diminishing it?
Anything but. Right from the beginning, from the story of Eve. Eve has gone on to be considered far worse than she is in the direct Bible story—and David far better. I love the story of Jonah; I think it’s very funny. And I like the story of Esther, as long as you stop about a quarter of the way through, before she turns into a real bloody girl.
Ok, this one I'm including just because it describes exactly how I felt about HP!
Have you read the Harry Potter books?
I read one of them. It’s a nice story but there’s nothing underneath it. I don’t want to be bothered with stuff where there’s nothing underneath. Some people say, “Why do you read the Bible?’’ I say, "Because there’s a lot of stuff underneath."

And here is one from an article specifically focused on her faith:
How do you listen to imagination, to the story?
It's very similar to prayer. So often we're so busy talking to God that we forget God might have something to say to us. Our challenge is to turn ourselves off and listen. It's the same with story. I try to listen to the story--and the story surprises me.
And I think this one is just REALLY great!

What are the most important questions in your faith journey?
A first-grade teacher told me about one of her students, a small Mexican boy who looked like an old man--callused hands, work clothes. But he wanted to learn everything.

She was teaching the children behavior she felt was appropriate and behavior she felt was inappropriate. One day, he raised his little callused hand. "Miss Clark, do you know why we're not s'posed to behave with behavior that is inappropriate?" "Why, Carlos?" "It'd piss Jesus off." So each day I ask myself: What did I do that would piss Jesus off?

Then I draw from Thomas Traherne, who believed that we live to give pleasure to God. This is my second question: Did I do anything today that would give pleasure to God?

These are the two questions that close my day, my evening prayers.

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