
Note: I have added a link on the side to my collection of quotes. They are just various ones that have spoken to me and I have saved.

Well, another week is about to start. Today was a good day, church, come home and take a nap, and then church and dinner. I LOVE Sundays! This morning my Sunday school class passed out flowers to all of the ladies and that was fun. Then as I was leaving someone stopped and said hi and then made a comment about me not having any of my "own" kids, but really having lots of kids. I thought that was really sweet. It is nice that people at church recognize my gifts.

It was interesting because a lot of the songs today were about trusting God, something I've been struggling a lot with lately. I'm good about trusting God with some things, but money is not one of them. And right now, that is a big struggle! One thing I was thinking of the other day was how I need to recognize the ways that God provides. He may not provide through some big thing like people randomly sending me the exact amount of money that I need, but He still provides. He provides through my mom and being able to borrow money from her. He provides by giving me a job where I get two snacks and dinner, thereby cutting my food costs. It is just a matter of recognizing Him in the little things. Now if only I would remember that when I start to worry!

This is a related verse that they read in church tonight. II Corinthians 8 v 12 "For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has not according to what one does not have." It is encouraging because I know that as long as I am giving from what I have, it is ok. I don't have to worry about giving a lot of money or stuff, as long as I am giving from what I have.

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