Scheduling a Date

So I was to the point where I was sure of where I was headed and now I just had to wait patiently for everything to get figured out. One night at class we went over the actual process for becoming Catholic. We got a sheet of paper and the first side was for those who would come into the Church at Easter. At first my heart dropped, I really didn't want to wait that long! Then we turned if over, and that side was for me. It was aimed at people who had already been baptized and were already practicing Christians. People in this group would be received into the Church at the end of November. We were told to think and pray about it and talk to our sponsors and then sign our names on the sheet where we thought we fit.

I was ready. I knew there was still plenty to learn, but I was sure I wanted to be Catholic. I felt that the rest I could learn from inside of the Church just as well as I could from outside. I talked to my sponsor and she had pretty much the same thoughts. So it was official, I would be Catholic at the end of November! Now I just had to figure out to wait patiently for two more months.


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